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Financial consolidation


This template enables you to prepare:

a) consolidated balance sheet (statement of financial position), and

b) consolidated profit and loss statement


Template is suitable for understanding how consolidation mechanics works as per IFRS 3 Business Combination, and to prepare it for your business purpose. Template is structured to cover one subsidiary and one associate, covering full consolidation of subsidiary and equity method of accounting for an associate.


Following workings are structured as input tables:

1. Calculating cost of investment

2. Goodwill calculation

3. Non controlling interest

4. Group retained earnings calculation

5. Intercompany balances elimination

6. Impairment of goodwill and other assets

7. Fair value adjustments for subsidiary and associate

8. Provision for unrealised profit for inventories and property, plant and equipment

9. Equity method of accounting for associate

Financial consolidation

SKU: 1015
€ 49,00Price
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